Wednesday, January 1, 2025

From My Autobiography : 1978 : Age 31

In my attempts to figure out what it is I'm supposed to be doing with my life as a Christian, I endeavour to start up Creative Word Media, what I envision as a promotional company for presenting gospel concerts and various other artistic venues. I feel there's a place for the Arts in Christianity—not just for gospel tracts—but I can’t seem to find anyone else who agrees with me.

Under Creative Word Media would have been several sub-ministries:

    ■  New Creation Theatre:
            an experimental multimedia theatre group for presenting original dramas, musicals, operas, and motion pictures.

    ■  Rose of Sharon Productions:
            for the promotion of those with ministries in the areas of apostles, prophets, teachers, pastors, evangelists, missionaries, workers of miracles, healing, helps, governments, tongues and interpretation of tongues.

    ■  Lily of the Valley Productions:
            ministries in the areas of puppetry, singing, writing, photography, sculpture, art, illustration, etc.

As will later be seen, in the future I tried to start up several businesses or, at least, enterprises that would merge Christianity and the Arts. But no matter how much I tried to do it, so many of them never came to fruition. Either I couldn’t get enough interest from others, or I lost interest myself, or it would have cost more money than I was able to afford. Looking back, I realize, now, that I was good at setting things up, but lacked the impulse and, often, the desire to continue with them.

    'Jason VII, Galactic Missionary' 

    The title for a novel that I have yet to write.

I conceive of writing a novel about Samson and begin to do some background research on his life and times.

Although I have worked out the basic structure for this novel, it is another project that is still  in my ‘to do’ list

12:53 pm
Lana gives birth to our daughter, Alysha Lorelei Renee.

Another high point in our lives was Alysha’s birth. With a boy and now, a girl, we felt our family was complete.





 5 MAY
I produce, direct, and perform in a gospel concert that also features Faithe Tines, Melanie Lockhart, New Wine & Roses, Richard Huber, and the group Charity.















 19 - 21 MAY
Friday – Sunday
I sing at the 1978 Annual Gospel Music Festival in Rosebud, Alberta. It also features the groups High Praises and Eternal Friends.



















By this time, I've written close to 1000 lyrics, and composed music for a good half of them.

Several people have asked how I write my songs.
    Every songwriter is different, I suppose, but an idea for either a title or the lyrics comes first for me, and as I begin to write them down, a melody usually starts to form in my mind.
    By the time I finish the lyrics, the tune is finally there as well, so I get it down, with chords, on sheet music paper. I do this either using the keyboard or, usually, my guitar, playing the song over several times to help cement the melody in my head.
    The one thing I haven’t really been able to do is memorize the lyrics completely. I always like to have them handy.
    Just in case.
    But then, perhaps that’s because I don’t rehearse or get an opportunity to sing  the songs enough times.
    Coincidentally, I found the same thing happened when trying to memorize scripts for my acting roles—I never went over them enough to recall them without making mistakes or forgetting lines.

I begin writing a seven-part music drama entitled The Revelation of Jesus Christ inspired by Richard Wagner’s Nibelungenlied Ring Cycle. I call the first part  Schöpfung, or ‘Creation’.

I consider taking the Ludlum Art Correspondence Course for Possibility Thinkers through the Robert Schuller Ministries, but once again, it is too expensive for what I earn at Concord Canada.

On the same day, we move to another townhouse in Vista Courts.

2211 19th Street NE
Calgary, Alberta, Canada

I minister in music at the Burning Bush coffee house at First Baptist Church. I feel led to hold a ‘miracle time’ and when I pray for several people, God heals them.

There have been a few times when I’ve prayed for people, and they have been healed.

We start to drive to Jasper for a second honeymoon, but the car’s water pump breaks down on the highway. It costs us just as much to have the car towed back to Calgary and fixed as it would to have gone on the honeymoon.

I sing special music at Crescent Heights Baptist Church.

We manage to obtain another car for only $300—this time, a 1960s Ford Mustang Fastback.


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