Monday, December 30, 2024

Let God Tell You


Written, Composed & Arranged by Michael Woodhead
Copyright ©1975, 2024 by Michael Woodhead

[Music only; vocals pending]

From My Autobiography : 1977 : Age 30

1 - 3 JULY
Friday – Sunday
I sing and minister in music at the First Annual Gospel Music Festival in Rosebud, Alberta.




















This music festival at Rosebud was the first of three that I would attend and in which I ministered in music. It was an enjoyable time and paved the way for other concerts that I would later produce and in which I would also sing.

Lana becomes pregnant for the second time.

I begin to write a screenplay entitled Headhunter.

I never finished this one. It still sits in my ‘to do’ box

I begin to take a writer's correspondence course through Norm Rohrer's Christian Writers Guild.

This Christian writing course soon went the way of the art courses I took previously—discarded. After several lessons, I realized that I didn’t have the mental or spiritual outlook or desire to write what was known as ‘inspirational’ fiction. I never felt like my life was inspiring, and I certainly didn’t know how to present an inspirational life through my writing. Not unlike critiques I received for a later stage play I wrote, Christian inspirational novels seemed to be too ‘preachy’.


 As part of the course, I write a synopsis for a short story called The Parting.

I sing at the Hillhurst Salvation Army's Band and Songster Musicale.









I write a synopsis for a short story called The Three Elizabeths.

We take a trip to British Columbia, visit Penticton, and then spend a week in a cabin next to the Shuswap Lake.

Fred from Foothills Bookstore owned the cabin, and we’re forever grateful to him for allowing us to use it.

The first night in the cabin is a little unsettling for Nathan as he is used to sleeping in his own bed, but he gradually adjusts.

The time we spent at Shuswap Lake was very relaxing for the three of us once we got there. On the way, I had a migraine headache, so I stopped at a gas station to get some painkillers. Although they didn’t have Aspirin®, they did have Midol®, so I took one of those instead. Worked just as well.


Lana’s 30th birthday.

I write an article called A Change of Perspective. I submit it to several Christian magazines [Pentecostal Evangel, Christian Inquirer, and Moody Monthly], but they all reject it.

Lana and Nathan fly down to Fenelon Falls to visit her birth mother, Grace.

I write The Mysterious Mr Claus, a Christmas short story.

While at Foothills Bookstore, I was able to print up my first piece of sheet music.

I never did sell any....