Dechen Shak-Dagsay
New Earth Records
Another quite delicate selection of songs-with lyrics written by Dechen's father, Dagsay Rinpoche, all of which exhort us to strive to achieve world peace, for Shi De, the "peace that brings happiness".
Although there isn't a lot of diversity in either the presentation or melodies, nevertheless the songs create a sense of peace and tranquility in the listener, helping in some way, to bring quietness into our own lives for even a short time, with the hope, perhaps, that we can carry this harmony into the world.
1. Sog Tshag Tshe Kyong - Care for the Animals
2. Dshung Wa Thog Son - Balancing the Elements
3. Shi Wa Lam Kyod - For non-Violence, Respect
and Tolerance Between the People
4. Khor Yug Sung Kyob - Care for the Environment
5. Mong Shem Dam Lod - The Danger of Blind Devotion
6. Pal Yon Ngam Tshod - Share the treasure of the World
7. Tam Tsho Na Tsog - Religions of the World
8. Dug Tson Ka Gok - A World Without Weapons