Wednesday, September 20, 2023

The Devil's Playground



An Episodic Novel

GENRE: Mainstream Fiction, Contemporary

 SYNOPSIS: Pine Village Estates—where friends, neighbors, and strangers live in close proximity; and, where anything could happen to people such as—

LILYA SERGEYEV and her mysterious friend, Zasha

OWEN and ANGELA HILL, who have kept a damning secret for years

DAVID SCOTT, who likes glittering items much like a pirate with his treasure

GENEVIEVE PENFIELD, who enjoys giving special massages

JAELYNN MORGAN, plagued by guilt and remorse

TRAVIS BAKER, a writer with his own lifes intriguing plot

—as well as other unique individuals whose lives interact and connect in ways they might never have imagined. All in the space of one month. Here in The Devil’s Playground.

BUY: The Devil's Playground