Tuesday, October 15, 2024



A Contemporary Novella

Mark Antony Noble is an amateur photographer who dreams of seeing his work on the cover of Vogue magazine. Chrystal, LaRoux, and Holly are three young women with dreams of stardom in some capacity. Synchronicity brings Mark in touch with them, and together they press on towards their goals, each from a different background, each progressing in a different direction, each embracing their inevitable outcome. 


Monday, October 14, 2024

The Sands of Time


A Contemporary Novel

With the publication of his first novel, author Paul Dunsmore frets over how family, friends, workmates, church members, and various other citizens of the small town in which he lives will accept it. 

It doesn't take him long to find out as positive and negative reviews begin to trickle in. 

Soon, they begin to have an effect on his relationship with his wife, his church pastor, his role-playing game group, and the woman with whom he's having an affair.

At the same time, Paul struggles with various aspects of his personal life as he tries to come to terms with questions that have plagued him for some time, as well as spiritual conundrums, and sexual quandaries.

It seems some of the misgivings he had about publishing the novel have manifested themselves.Will he be able to get through them? 

The Sands of Time

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Arakan Adventure


More Tales and Reminiscences by Frank Woodhead
Edited by Michael Woodhead

Frank Woodhead grew up in England and lived through two world wars. During that time, he went through a plethora of experiences that eventually wound up as reminiscences and stories in three other books, The Road to Mandalay, Rendezvous, and Green Earth & Gilded Temples. Here are further tales and memories from England, India, and Burma as related by my dad in-


Arakan Adventure
Eye of Kungaon
Pretty Pebbles
The Minefield
The Mysterious Horsemen
The Stragglers

A Moorlands Adventure
A Wartime Interlude
Lost Chords
The Clegg Hall Mystery

Morn That Changed the World
The Naked Youth 

Arakan Adevnture

Saturday, October 12, 2024

The Devil's Playground


An Episodic Contemporary Novel

—where friends, neighbors, and strangers live in close proximity and where anything could happen. There, too, you’ll find people such as—

and her mysterious friend, Zasha

who have kept a damning secret for years

who likes glittering items much like
a pirate with his treasure

who enjoys giving special massages

plagued by guilt and remorse

a writer with his own life’s intriguing plot

—as well as other unique individuals whose lives interact and connect in ways they might never have imagined; here, in—


Friday, October 11, 2024

A Time to be Born, a Time to Die


The First Carlinea Teri Rae Tallfeather Adventure as

    Carlinea Teri Rae Tallfeather tries to forget traumatic events from her past until someone murders Winston Moran, a Calgary television personality and friend.
    Carlinea works as a special agent for a law enforcement organization known as C.H.I.E.F., and she sets out to hunt down the murderer.
    Eventually, she not only recalls physical and emotional anguish from her past, but she also confronts a worldwide criminal syndicate called G.O.R.G.O.N., a murderous individual named The Reaper, and a nefarious woman known only as the DragonQueen. For each of them, it will be—

Thursday, October 10, 2024



A Heroic Fantasy Screenplay

Brynnhilda, a Valkyrie; Brokk, a mischievous dwarf; and Siegfried, a libidinous barbarian embark on a quest to throw a destructive magical ring into a bottomless pit.Would that it were that easy! Fleeing and fighting an evil sorceress intent on getting the ring for her own nefarious purposes; disobeying the commands of Brynnhilda's father, Odinn—facing numerous other assorted evil entities and natural obstacles—the three unlikely companions resolve to complete the quest come hell or high water.And that might very well be the case. Their journey takes them to an ultimate battle—a savage dragon leading an army of undead creatures against a coterie of Valkyries and a host of warriors from Valhalla. Along the way, the trio experience friendship, insight into each other's lives and, perhaps, even love. 


Wednesday, October 9, 2024

The Star Child


Grandfather Albert Stewart can't find the Star of Bethlehem for his manger scene. Their children and grandchildren aren't coming for Christmas this year, so his wife, Gladys, tries to take his mind off both disappointments by asking him to tell her the Christmas story as he's done in the past for the rest of the family. Scenes interweave his storytelling with acted presentations of various scenarios.

11 m / 2 f / 1 teen girl / other nonspecific roles
5 musical numbers
Approx. 30 minutes 

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Child of Promise


Prologue to and Book Four of
A Spiritual, Sexual & Creative Odyssey

What if you could travel backwards and forwards through Time to objectively watch your life unfold before your eyes so that you can assess not only the good and bad you had done, or will do, but also how experiences affect you? What if it were also possible to view the lives of other members of your family, including those of past and future generations? 

Keiran Russell is given this opportunity, though certainly not in a way he might have expected. In his case, he dies and views what some eastern mystics call the Akashic Records—a theosophical term that refers to a universal "filing system" which records every thought, word, and deed. In doing so, he realizes that not only did he exist before his birth, but he also had the opportunity to choose the life necessary for his soul's growth. 

Child Of Promise

Monday, October 7, 2024



During 1965, I devoured Edgar Rice Burroughs' John Carter of Mars series, and became inspired to write a novelette similar to them.

The result was Zorab, pretty much a space adventure tale about a man who is transported to another planet and attempts to free a beautiful woman from the clutches of a mad scientist.

Along with The Hidden City of A-Ten, Return to A-Ten, and The Female Commandoes, Zorab was somehow lost during my frequent moves in the late 1960s and early 1970s.

Sunday, October 6, 2024

Rendezvous and Other Writings

 RENDEZVOUS and Other Writings

Written by Frank Woodhead
Edited by Michael Woodhead

After serving in the British Army in India and Burma during World War II, and later in the Royal Canadian Air Force on various bases, my dad, Frank Woodhead, used these and other experiences in his life to write a memoir (The Road to Mandalay), as well as other writings. This book contains some of those that I've been able to locate and bring together in one place.

Dad took a few writing classes, but it's obvious he wasn't consciously aware of various 'rules and regulations' regarding the written word. As he confessed to one magazine editor who still offered to buy a story:- "I am a beginner at this creative writing but have always had the urge to play with words." In many cases, his submissions were rejected because they were "not up to our standard". Nevertheless, he still told some fascinating tales, and I'm glad to be able to share some of them in this book and, from the looks of other writing I've found, a second volume will be forthcoming, as well. 

Saturday, October 5, 2024

Call Of The Heart


A Half-Hour Teen Mystery Television Series

Season 01 / Episode 01


When someone steals a statue from a friend's home, teenage girls Savannah and Janine embark on a search to figure out where it went and soon uncover a scheme to steal another sculpture.

Friday, October 4, 2024

Two In One


Two Charismatic Christian One-Act Plays

A Rose in the Garden
A Contemporary Drama for Older Teens
In The Maid and the Minstrel coffee house, social worker Pandora tries to help those in need while endeavoring to keep a secret between herself and God. During the play, she counsels, listens to, and cares for a variety of patrons who drop in for shelter, help, and companionship. Eventually, she reveals her secret, while others struggle to make difficult, life-changing decisions.

[3f, 4m, 1 singer / Approx. 30 minutes)

Till the Last Man Falls
An Adult Science Fiction Drama
In the near future, a group of CiviLib (Civilian Liberation) members take shelter from other warring factions. Unfortunately, there is also dissension in their own ranks, a fact which becomes all the more noticeable when a member of another group is captured and brought in.

[3f, 3m / Approx. 30 minutes)

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Peeping Tommi


An Erotic Screenplay

One night, a compulsive voyeur, Tommi, watches a couple making love. But then, Steve, a man Tommi works with, deliberately drowns the woman with whom he's just had sex. The next day, Tommi sees the same woman alive and drinking with Steve. With the help of a private investigator, Tommi endeavors to solve the mystery and find out what really happened. However, in so doing, she might find herself in danger.

Peeping Tommi

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Quest for the Silver Virgin


A Science Fiction & Fantasy Musical

A group of humans and aliens embark on a challenging quest to find and uncover the secret of the Silver Virgin

3 Acts / Approx 90-120 minutes
30 Musical Numbers
10 m / 7 f / 18 nonspecific

Quest for the Silver Virgin

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Princess of Vasuda


The Second Scroll From the Scrolls of Solomon Magus
The Life & Times of a Wizard from Vasuda

After a priestess from one of the Southern Kingdoms helps him escape the Naga assassins, Solomon Magus eventually travels to Mizraim.

There, the ruling pharaoh tasks him with transporting his daughter to Kondwani where Solomon must exchange her for the daughter of a King Thulani, and then return to Mizraim with her. As the pharaoh explains, “...if either King Thulani or I break the peace treaty between us, then the daughter of whoever broke it will be the first to die.”

Solomon deems this a little bizarre.

Nevertheless, with the aid of a barbarian and a healer, he sets off on his mission. Of course, not surprisingly, it will prove to be no easy undertaking as they traverse with the petulant—

Princess of Vasuda