Thursday, November 30, 2023

Rome: Unabellavista


How to Tour Italy

Anthony Capozzoli
Bella Industries Publishing
ISBN-10: 0-9794552-0-0-0

This highly informative and lavishly illustrated 161-page book is an excellent resource for anyone planning a visit to Rome.

Colour-coded sections highlight seven major 'itineraries'-
     1. Ancient Rome
     2. Vatican
     3. Borghese
     4. Navona Pantheon
     5. Barberini
     6. Vincoli
     7. Trastevere

The introductory material gives an overview of everything, and includes such things as maps, dining and restaurant suggestions, and lists of sites with schedules and artists.

As well as descriptions of various artists and their works, there are also descriptions and floor plans of some of the more notable places on the must-see list, such as the Sistine Chapel and St Peter's Basilica.

Concise writing and large colourful illustrations make this book an ideal guide for the visitor to Rome.

Other companion items are also available—an audio guide on CD, for example, and podcasts and newsletters from the publisher (, as well as other planning guides.

The author's self-avowed passion for "Italy, her art, history, architecture, food, and language" burst from every page of this very worthwhile book. 

(Book Review by Michael Woodhead, 2008)

Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Navigating for Success


Moss A Jackson
Corporate Initiatives
ISBN-10: 978-0-615-18045-8
self-help, success

Over ninety-five percent of people in life have no real idea of where they're going, or what they'll do even if they do get wherever it is they want to go.

Navigating for Success is one book that will help them define that voyage, from its first passion to its ultimate performance.

Those already familiar with books by W Clement Stone and Napoleon Hill will immediately recognize many of the principles espoused in this book. Nevertheless, they are expressed in a unique manner, and will give those familiar with the need for success-consciousness a fresh perspective.

Using analogies akin to seafarers, the author presents his material in seven main segments:-
     1. Steering Your Life
     2. Mapping Your Course
     3. Riding Your Inner Wave
     4. Getting Connected
     5. Storm Warning!
     6. Building Your Crew
     7. Setting Sail

The author brings some new terms into play as far as people are concerned—we can fit into roles as a Victim, a Survivor, or a Navigator, paths that we 'chose' at a very early age, but ones that we can just as easily re-choose for our lives today.

The author gives sets of questions to answer to determine which one more closely describes our current path. In the remaining chapters, he focuses on how to become a Navigator—"how to discover where you want to go, and then direct your best energies towards getting there".

The book contains various diagrams, lists, exercises (which the author calls 'Compass Points'), and illustrations from the lives of other people.

Although a small and relatively thin book (137 pages), there is lots of information that can be read repeatedly for further enlightenment.

So, if you don't know where you're headed in life and need a little help, Navigating For Success is one more ideal guide. 

(Book Review by Michael Woodhead, 2008)

Tuesday, November 28, 2023

The Warrior Diet



Ori Hofmekler
Blue Snake Books
ISBN-13: 978-1-58394-200-0

Although I'm not dissing this book in particular, I do wonder just how many more diet books will appear on the market.

No doubt, thousands.

The Warrior Diet (first released in 2003), however, takes a different approach than most other diet books. It bases its reasoning on three basic human instincts: the instinct to survive and multiply; the hunter/predator instinct; and the scavenger instinct.

"The Warrior Diet is built on the principle of cycling between periods of undereating and overeating". Cycling, here, refers not to bicycling, but rather to the recurrence of various events that we do during the day-eating, drinking, sleeping, etc; or, in this case, undereating and overeating.

The author explains each phase, and also gives examples of what sort of foods would best be eaten during each one.

Next, he looks at how to combat what he calls 'stubborn fat', the fat that, no matter how much you diet, just doesn't seem to go away. He shows what causes it, how to prevent it, and how to get rid of it.

Proponents of other diets often explain why their diet is better than the others are, and Hofmekler is no different—he compares and contrasts The Warrior Diet with several other popular ones, grouping them into five different kinds depending on what they are meant to do.

Later, the author delves into historical diets to further explain and elucidate the principles of The Warrior Diet.

Finally, Hofmekler looks at how The Warrior Diet can affect areas such as sex drive, potency, and animal magnetism. However, although the diet is primarily aimed at a male audience, he does include a chapter on how it will benefit women.

Exercises, training principles, meals, and recipes round out this intriguing book designed to create "high energy, explosive strength, and a leaner, harder body."

If that's what you're looking for, then The Warrior Diet may be for you. 

(Book review by Michael Woodhead, 2008)

Monday, November 27, 2023

We Are All One


J M Harrison
ISBN: 978-1-4196-7405-1

Oddly enough, as I began to read this 'call to spiritual uprising', a phrase came to me that Valentine Michael Smith spoke in Robert A Heinlein's science fiction novel, Stranger in a Strange Land—"Thou art God".

Now, do not misunderstand. I am not saying here that We Are All One is science fiction, or even fantasy; nor am I saying that we humans are God. Far from it. Rather that, like it or not, we are all connected not only with each other, but also to Nature Herself.

Thus, we have the basic theme of this book—"We have the chance to truly find ourselves. If we do, we will find ALL of ourselves, for we are all One".

Since/If we are all One, as the writer proclaims, then we need to stop thinking about our own selves, and learn how to minister to the needs of others; for, in so doing, we will minister to our own needs.

If this sounds much like the Golden Rule—do unto others as you would have them do unto you—then, indeed, it is. However, the author exhorts us to go further, to become more spirit-conscious instead of self-conscious, for it is more in spirit that we are One.

In this way, we become more in tune to the connectedness, not only between ourselves, but also between God (however we view the Supreme Creator) and us.

Of course, Harrison expounds on these concepts in more detail, exhorting us, as did the Delphic oracle, to "know thyself". And when we know our self, we will begin to know others.

"If we have any real worth, then we are able to perceive and acknowledge worth in others. When we can see the worth in others, then we are truly worthy ourselves. When we can acknowledge the light in another, then we are truly enlightened."

Here, indeed, in We Are All One, is a cornucopia of food for thought and, ultimately, implementation in our own lives. 

(Book Review by Michael Woodhead, 2008)

Sunday, November 26, 2023

Gateways to the Otherworld



The Secrets Beyond the Final Journey,
from the Egyptian Underworld
to the Gates in the Sky

Philip Gardiner
New Page Books
ISBN-10: 1-56414-925-0
ISBN-13: 978-1-56414-925-1
Eschatology, Spirituality, Parapsychology

The basic theme of this fascinating look at life after death is the joining of ancient mythology with modern science.

Although ethnically different, the author explains, the basic ritual structures for passing from this world to the next are the same.

Beginning with prehistory, Gateways to the Otherworld travels through Time to reveal the inter-relatedness of various symbols, rituals, intermediaries, beliefs, and writings—Egyptian, Judaic, Christian, Native American, Chinese, Babylonian, etc.

The guide to and through the Otherworld is the Shaman, although he is also known by many other names—priest, Shining One, vidya, witch, and others; again, all basically linked by the ability to leave this world (either through drugs or other physical or metaphysical means), enter the Otherworld, and then return.

Philip Gardiner's quest for Truth delves into many areas of esoterica such as the serpent and Mother Goddess myths, faeries, and the Masons and Templars. Moreover, in keeping with the theme, he also looks at various aspects of science—energy, electromagnetism, the pyramids, memory, and other facets of humanity, all in hopes of having one explain the other.

Gardiner gives some very convincing arguments even if the reader doesn't want to believe everything he proclaims. Nevertheless, there is much here to help others who are seeking the Truth to think beyond just what we see with our eyes; to look behind the fables and legends of old, and to peer beneath the outer manifestations of modern science in order to uncover "the secrets beyond the final journey, from the Egyptian underworld to the gates in the sky". 

(Book Review by Michael Woodhead, 2008)

Saturday, November 25, 2023

The Philosophy of Life



God, Wisdom and the World Psyche

Ronnie Lee
Outskirts Press
ISBN-10: 978-1-59800-864-7
Philosophy, Spirituality, Poetry

The book begins with an explanation of how the author intends to prove God's existence—by presenting differing sets of values in a logical sequence. As he shows:-
    ⤷ 1+6+3+5+4=19
    ⤷ 9+7+2+1=19

Then he follows with a sequence of 'chapters' discussing the relationship between logic and God, life, existence, and efficiency.

The author then focuses on other elements of philosophy and religion—existentialism; the laws of nature; prayers; and even an interesting commentary of the Ten Commandments and social skills.

Later, the author delves into the individual and collective psyche, and covers a mass of topics, especially in relation to what he calls the 'conspiracy to one'—"when a group of people attack one person, even if it is a whole psyche of a world that attacks the values and thus the characteristics of one".

I'll be honest—I haven't yet finished reading this book.

Not because it isn't interesting, but rather, because of its length and form—over 600 pages of free verse.

Although I have nothing against the free verse form of poetic structure, I did find it rather distracting and somewhat annoying that each line ends with a comma if it doesn't end with a period. This makes reading a little more difficult since it takes longer to discover if a sentence is taking a deliberate pause, or if it needs to continue without one. For example:-

     "The universe exists,
     To make the theory of logic,
     Righteous and good,
     And the power to control that,
     Is God."

It's a rather unconventional way to approach a discussion of philosophical concepts, but perhaps it's this unique way of presenting the subject matter that makes it more interesting.

The subtitle for this massive book of poetry is "proving the existence of God and understanding the power of the collective mind for justice, equality and salvation".

That's why this book will take any reader some amount of time to read—the material as presented will take time to absorb and process, especially if one isn't familiar with the study of logic and philosophy.

Nevertheless, in spite of its length and form, this incisive look into why we exist is well worth not one, but several readings.

[There is also one error that jumped out at me—the use of "it's" as the possessive case, when it's actually the contraction for "it is". The author, editor, and publisher should all know better.] 

(Book Review by Michael Woodhead, 2008)

Friday, November 24, 2023

Your Life Manual


David Ambrose
Revolution Mind Publishing
ISBN-10: 0-9739362-0-7
ISBN-13: 978-0-9739362-0-9
Self-Help, Personal Growth

This book's subtitle is Practical Steps to Genuine Happiness, and I'm sure happiness is something for which we all search.

David Ambrose offers positive and practical suggestions and methods to achieve personal happiness.

He looks first at the concepts of love, peace, freedom, harmony, and happiness—those things that can lay a foundation for a "better, happier and more confident" way of life.

He then follows these up by looking at various ideas put forth by prophets, philosophers, teachers, and truth seekers through the ages, distilling their discoveries into a set of principles.

Thirdly, he offers suggestions and steps in order for each of us to transform our lives, which includes more than just positive thinking.

Much of the material presented here you'll no doubt have seen or read before in some other form, but somehow David has managed to distill everything into a new and interesting way of presenting it.

David ends the book with several chapters designed to make you pause and consider things, things such as—mind power versus prayer; the healing mind; and even women as saviours of the world.

Interestingly enough, this one book can be read in a variety of ways:-

A chapter a day for 46 days. Each chapter is short enough to be read within a five to ten minute time span -- ideal for the ride to or from work on the bus in the morning or afternoon; during a coffee or lunch break; just before going to bed; or any time during the day when you manage to find a little bit of time to yourself
As a daily devotional, each chapter presents a new thought, idea, or suggestion that can be pondered, studied, or put into practice.
As a study guide, it offers nuggets of inspiration, exploration, and universal truths, all of which enable the reader to continue searching elsewhere for further elucidation
In a discussion group, there's a lot of material here for people to give their own views, perhaps their own experiences, and their own thoughts

Overall, an accumulation of well-put-together food-for-thought to which the reader will want to return again and again. 

(Book Review by Michael Woodhead, 2007)

Thursday, November 23, 2023

The Essence of Tantric Sexuality


Mark A Michaels & Patricia Johnson
Llewellyn Publications
ISBN-10: 0-7387-0900-X
ISBN-13: 978-0-7387-0900-0
Sexuality, Tantra

"Tantra uses touch as the primary sensory avenue for the focusing of the mind...and when sexual sensation expresses itself in orgasm, the bursting or climax, we achieve a state of yoga, or union."

Those looking for a general introduction to Tantric Yoga will find this an invaluable and informative book.

Based on the lectures given by Dr Jonn Mumford (aka Swamiji, or Swami Anandakapila) and developed further by the authors, Essence gives an insight into the practical exercises and techniques available for the western Tantrika (practitioner), as well as a greatly expounded explanation for those unfamiliar with Tantric sexuality.

Rudimentary instructions begin with some basics—the use of yantras, or symbols, for visualization techniques; and mudras, hand gestures or body positions, used for creating psychophysical change.

Following these lessons, the authors then delve into various sexual aspects, reminding the reader that it is the process of getting to an orgasm that is more important than the actual climax itself. Essence deals with various exercises and rituals in order for men and women, individually or as a couple, to make that journey more fun, more rewarding, and more fulfilling so that the climax becomes the culmination of an already-exciting discovery process—ultimately a meeting with the divine.

They deal with sexuality in a straightforward, very matter-of-fact, and graphic manner.

Those willing to approach with an open mind and a teachable spirit will find a lot of material here to help understand many aspects of sexual pleasure, not only between two people, but also individually.

The authors cover many different areas of inducing pleasure, including masturbation, sexual fantasies, the use of perfumes and massage, and an in-depth look at the erogenous zones in men and women (and, yes, there are more than two!).

Later in the book, similarities are drawn between the symbology of Tantra and other religions and beliefs, including the Catholic Mass.

If you can handle the graphic sexual descriptions and illustrations, this is indeed a book with information worth perusing, studying, and practicing. 

(Book Review by Michael Woodhead, 2007)

Wednesday, November 22, 2023

The Tokyo Look Book


Philomena Keet & Yuri Manabe
Kodansha International
ISBN: 978-4-7700-3061-0
Fashion, Japan

Profusely illustrated with hundreds of photographs, The Tokyo Look Book is a lavish overview of the eclectic fashions of this teeming Japanese city.

"Stylish to spectacular, Goth to Gyaru, Sidewalk to Catwalk" -- this book looks not only at the styles themselves, but also the personalities of those who wear them, as well as some of those who design them.

Author Philomena Keet and photographer Yuri Manabe explore:

(1) The teen fashions of Shibuya's girls and guys
(2) The fashions of various subcultures that influence style
(3) Creative styles worn by the wearers because of their love of fashion
(4) The stylish women in Omolesando Boulevard, Ginza, and Marunouchi
(5) The various styles that young men wear to work

Following a short, reflective history on how these widely-varying fashions (as well as other things) found their way to Japan, the author delves more deeply and candidly into the decorative, often garish, but nonetheless beautiful realms of personal and group styles.

Although Tokyo has never been known as a fashion capitol as far as the fashion world is concerned, the author feels that it is only a matter of time before the city comes into its own. To that end, she includes interviews with several fashion designers—Reiko Nakone, Miwa Mochizuki, h.Naota, Mana, Tokuya Angel, Naoyuhi Ohira, and Kazuhisa Komura. As well, she looks at some boutiques, magazines, and shops.

Yuri has done a marvelous job of grabbing some eye-catching photographs of people on the street, in shops and malls, even nightclubs—people who, although they may dress according to a certain circle of fashion, nonetheless retain their individuality.

From traditional kimono to modern-day suits; from trendy designer clothes and accessories to manga- and anime-inspired costumes; from dark gothic to leather and fetish—all these and more are readily displayed on the streets of Tokyo, and many of which can be seen in this wonderful, colourful, captivating Tokyo Look Book

(Book Review by Michael Woodhead, 2007)

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Temples, Tombs & Hieroglyphs


Barbara Mertz
William Morrow
1964 / 2007
Ancient History, Archaeology

This newly revised and updated (2007) popular history of ancient Egypt is fascinating and fun. The book is filled with data to be sure. However, these are made entirely readable by the author's personable approach to her material—especially when it comes to dealing with differing points of view from various scholars and archaeologists in view of the fact that more recent discoveries have annulled or changed some of the material presented in the previous edition (1964).

The author presumes that the reader knows something about archaeology, or at least ancient Egyptian history, but even those with no knowledge of it at all will certainly find the book interesting, informative and, at times, quite amusing.

For example, when writing about the first king who unified both Upper and Lower Egypt, she explains, "We know his name—Menes. We know when this significant event happened. It was in 3400 BC; or 3110 BC; or maybe 2850 BC".

This personable way of approaching what could be boring statistics infuses the book with charm, and the author uses her natural storytelling abilities to keep the reader interested.

From circa 3150 BC to 30 BC, the author, like a tour guide, takes us on a journey through time and introduces us to various ancient Egyptian dynasties; kings and queens and other less official personalities; cultures; past and present archaeologists and archaeological digs; as well as various interpretations of myths, papyri, hieroglyphs, and archaeological finds.

That she is passionate about Egypt and its history is obvious in virtually ever page of the book—not only in the way she presents the material, but also by questioning and criticizing various interpretations and conclusions offered by other archaeologists and historians.

Seven colour plates, along with several scattered black-and-white illustrations, complement the already vivid and descriptive text—all of which make Temples, Tombs & Hieroglyphs an intriguing and informative read.

Barbara Mertz also wrote Red Land, Black Land; mystery and gothic circles know her as 'Elizabeth Peters' and 'Barbara Michaels'. 

(Book Review by Michael Woodhead, 2007)

Monday, November 20, 2023

Marketing Your Small Business for Big Profits



David Mason
Morgan James Publishing
ISBN: 978-1-60037-077-9

In spite of its long title, this book is designed for a quick, but repetitive read in order to absorb the concepts, and then put them into practice.

David Mason has done a marvelous job at distilling a wealth of business information into a 126-page book.

In five main chapters, and five bonus sections, the author succinctly gives prospective and growing small businesses key points to consider in their marketing plans. This includes the "unique selling proposition, media options, direct mailing tips, networking and coaching, and the burgeoning field of Internet marketing".

Along with pages of useful information, there are also templates, fill-ins, and questionnaires to help the small business owner focus on what's most important to increase her company's potential, profits, professionalism, performance, and personality.

"Success," David explains, "is based on persistency and consistency, not magic. You have what it takes—just unleash your power."

Using the tips and techniques extolled by the author in this interesting and well-thought-out book, there's no reason why any small business (or even big ones for that matter) can't capitalize on its visibility in order to increase revenues and sales.

Says David, "I help those who are well to become more successful so that I can help those who cannot help themselves to have a better quality of life."

A little book containing sound, workable advice. 

(Book Review by Michael Woodhead, 2007)

Sunday, November 19, 2023

The Fire and the Rose



The Wedding of Spirituality and Sexuality

Bud Harris
Chiron Publications
ISBN: 978-1-868602-42-5
Psychology / Spirituality / Sexuality

Reduced to a simple explanation, this book advocates the Greek Delphic Oracle's admonition to "Know thyself", and Jesus' revelation that "The kingdom of God is within you"—in this case primarily through the use of Jungian psychoanalysis and dream analysis.

And the title? Fire = sexuality; Rose = spirituality—so, in the context of the material presented, sexuality is the 'shadow self' of spirituality.

For centuries, Christianity and other religions have declared that these two powerful forces are diametrically opposed, that in order to achieve spirituality and close communion with God, then we need to deny and subjugate sexuality.

Not so, suggests author Harris. Such a proclamation has caused great frustration and consternation with many people. Rather, like the Taoist yin-yang principle, these two should be working together to transform our lives into a state of wholeness (holiness) through meeting and responding to whatever joys and sorrows, pain and healing, triumphs and tragedies that life brings our way.

Harris continues—life becomes a journey "where desire doesn't stagnate, spirituality doesn't rigidify, and love doesn't become buried in sentimentality".

At the end of some chapters, Harris includes some soul-searching questions such as: "What were your first experiences of love, lust, infatuation, and death?"; "What early life experiences shaped your relationship to spirituality?"; and "What were some of the creative potentials you cut off [in order] to fit in as you grew up?".

The appendix includes a guide to "befriending" your dreams through paying attention to them, listening to them, questioning them, and reflecting on them. In addition, there are suggestions for journaling.

"One of the lessons we've learned in modern times is that the only constant in life is change. If we seek to learn how to face change and how spirituality can help form and guide our sexual relationships, the great religions tell us to approach these challenges from a position of love."

If you feel your life has been stagnant, stuck in a rut, or lacking in purpose, then perhaps The Fire and the Rose can help you find direction, and set you on a path to wholeness, self-knowledge and, ultimately, Love. 

(Book Review by Michael Woodhead, 2007)

Saturday, November 18, 2023

A Secret of the Universe



A Story of Love, Loss, and the Discovery of an Eternal Truth

Stephen L Gibson
Truth Driven Strategies

religious fiction

"Ian wants answers his faith can't provide, so he abandons traditional religion and its magic, mysticism, and supernaturalism, turning instead to science and reason. Bill's path has become that of a devoted Christian who sees the bountiful harvest that can be achieved through spirituality and faith. When profound revelations lead each friend to uncover shocking historical 'secrets' in support of his own worldview, their odyssey plays out on a global stage, with tragic consequences. Only by embracing the inherent mystery and pain of their quest do Ian and Bill make the discovery that really matters-a genuine secret of the universe."

I'll have to be honest—I read this book with mixed feelings.

On the one hand, I already knew what the 'secret' was before I even started reading, and I was interested in seeing how the author approached the subject matter. On the other hand, some of the principles the author was to touch upon were also some that deeply concerned me.

A book which came to mind while reading this was The Hamlet Syndrome: Overthinkers Who Underachieve by Adrienne Miller and Andrew Goldblatt. At the end of that book, they suggested the 'Hamlets' of the world were those who could open the eyes of the world to what was going on around them through espousing such principles as tolerance, curiosity, critical thought and skepticism, associative thinking, and seeing the consequences of actions.

These, and much more, can be seen in this novel of "love, loss, and the discovery of an eternal truth", and I daresay that Stephen Gibson is one of those 'Hamlets'. Using fiction, he takes us into the lives of believers and non-believers, to broach the subjects of religion, sex, philosophy, metaphysics, and other volatile subjects to help the reader see things from alternate perspectives.

Although written primarily for Christians, the material is suited for more spiritually-mature Christians due to some of the adult content, but people of all persuasions, religious or not, will see themselves reflected in some way in the characters of this novel.

One point of contention for me, however, is this—why do Christians, in novels, always seem to justify or explain virtually everything by quoting scripture? This always makes Christian characters seem like they have no minds of their own, that they never do anything wrong, and that they're better than everyone else. In some ways, this novel seems to talk down to the reader, too; is written very simplistically like many Christian books I've read; and often, it drags on with pages of uninteresting scenes of modern life until it reaches something characters can argue about, discuss, or pontificate upon.

Still, there's so much here to give readers something to think about and meditate on, so it's probably worth your while to grab a copy and see yourself in it.

(Book Review by Michael Woodhead, 2007)

Friday, November 17, 2023

The Raven's Pool


Deborah Cannon
Trafford Publishing

Deborah Cannon is a writer to watch.

Quite frankly, I've found very few fiction authors who've managed to grab my attention enough to make me continue reading.

Deborah is one of those who does.

In this first novel of a series, Ms Cannon introduces us to Jake Lalonde, a half-Haida archaeologist endeavouring to find and protect relics and treasures of his West Coast native heritage.

Just as determined, developer Clifford Radisson will do anything it takes to get what he wants—in this case, to build a large theme park. Unfortunately, it's going to be right on top of Jake's digs.

Ms Cannon raises questions and introduces intrigue from the very beginning of this novel; but, that's not all-she carries them through to the gripping, and unexpected, climax. Along the way, she weaves historical and mythological background information that doesn't intrude on the story.

Interesting characters, a driving plotline, colourful writing, and short chapters all make this book an easy, but excitingly good read.

Drawing from her passionate interest in First Nation mythology, and her own archaeology background, Deborah Cannon weaves a tale of mystery, danger, folklore, and generational revenge on the west coast islands of British Columbia and Washington.

Get your copies of The Raven Chronicles—The Raven's Pool (I), White Raven (II), Ravenstone (III), and Raven's Blood (IV). Two more novels in the series are expected. They'll be worth it. 

(Book Review by Michael Woodhead, 2007)

[Note: since the writing of this book review, Deborah has also released Raven Moon (V)]

Thursday, November 16, 2023

The Jesus Tomb



Is It Fact or Fiction

Don Sausa
Vision Press

Viewers of James Cameron's The Lost Tomb of Jesus will no doubt be interested to read this alternate and opposing viewpoint.

The Jesus Tomb explains itself as an "exhaustive examination of the weight of the evidence to the claim of James Cameron and his cohorts that they have found the bones of Jesus Christ.".

The author does an admirable job at refuting the lost tomb allegations.

Dealing with eight major claims drawn from the documentary, Sausa challenges each one with observations made by a variety of scholars and experts so that the readers can ultimately make up their own mind as to the validity of Cameron's conclusions:

1. An unreported discovery
2. Inscriptions
3. The Jesus family burial
4. Mariamene Mara
5. Statistical analysis
6. DNA evidence
7. The James ossuary
8. The reliability of the New Testament

Also included at the end of each chapter is a study guide which is helpful for review, and for opening up debate and discussion in a group setting.

The only problem I really had with the book is a purely technical one. To help make quoted material stand out better, screened blocks of text have been used. However, the screens are so dark that it hampers easy reading of the text. I suggest that, for future releases of the book, a lighter screen (20%?) be utilized.

The Jesus Tomb-fact or fiction? Read the book and decide for yourself. 

(Book Review by Michael Woodhead, 2007)

Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Pilgrim Heart



The Way of Jesus in Everyday Life

Darryl Tippens
Leafwood Publishers
ISBN: 0-9767790-7-2
Non-Fiction, Christian Spirituality

There are literally thousands of books on spirituality, and certainly many of them from a Christian viewpoint. What makes this one different is that it looks in a practical way at following Jesus as a way of life, and not just a set of beliefs—indeed, a 'worldly spirituality'.

In the modern world, where many of its spiritualities are too spiritual for many people to comprehend and put into practice, Pilgrim Heart offers some new, but not altogether new beatitudes for our day, and practical ways to implement them. For example, "Happy are those who drive in the slow lane for they will arrive in peace {or in one piece)".

Seventeen chapters look at a worldly spirituality that includes resting, befriending. confession, forgiveness, listening, creating, feasting, and several other logical but often over-looked attitudes and disciplines—all to help us learn that we were created in love in order to love, and in the end, be embraced forever by a greater love.

Pilgrim Heart is an excellent, easy-to-read-and-implement resource for daily Christian living from a not-too-spiritually-obvious point of view. 

(Book Review by Michael Woodhead, 2007)

Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Mademoiselle Victorine



Debra Finerman
Three Rivers Press
Historical Fiction

Although primarily interested in Art Nouveau and the latter half of the nineteenth century, nevertheless I looked forward to reading this book. It promised a diversity of subjects-art, music, sexuality, and politics.

As a young girl, Victorine vows to do whatever she can to find her place in the world. She uses her wiles, her sensuality, and her determination to succeed to take her from being a model for a painter (and the subject of a controversial—for its time—nude portrait) to the mistress of a politician, and from the paint-spattered studios of Parisian artists to the bloody fields of the Franco-Prussian war.

I wasn't in the least disappointed with Mademoiselle Victorine. With epic-like qualities, the novel sweeps us through the mid-1800s, introducing us, through the main character, to such fascinating historical characters as Edgar Degas, Edouard Manet, Louis-Napoleon, and even Bismarck.

Skillfully interweaving historical data into her fiction without being intrusive or distracting, Finerman creates a believable and captivating world of artists and prostitutes, soldiers and politicians. With a background in art history and journalism, as well as having read the works of Balzac, Flaubert, Stendhal, Zola, and Proust in French and English, the author uses her knowledge and keen interest to draw the reader into a delightful and intriguing book. 

(Book Review by Michael Woodhead, 2007)

Monday, November 13, 2023

Dragon of the Mangroves



Yasuyuki Kasai
ISBN: 0-595-39026-9
Fiction, Historical Fiction

During World War II, my father fought with the British Army's 99th (R.B.Y.) Field Regiment R.A. in India and Burma and wrote of his experiences in his memoir,         The Road to Mandalay.

Based on actual incidents, and viewing the war from the opposite perspective, the characters in this novel are Japanese soldiers caught in the midst of extraordinary times.

Skillfully weaving the stories of the two main characters—Second Lieutenant Yoshihisa Sumi who is ordered to rescue a penned-in garrison; and Superior Private Minoru Kasuga, a soldier in that ill-fated garrison—the author brings to life the military tactics and equipment, and the emotional effects of wartime events as well as, in this case, the horror of the dragons of the mangroves' crocodile attacks.

Vivid imagery and descriptions, keen characterizations and quick pacing all draw the reader through an exciting and interesting wartime story the like of which is very rarely seen, but one which only helps to highlight the terrible devastation of wars and their effects on human beings, and the often indescribable and wondrous machinations of Nature Herself.

An excellently crafted story well worth reading. 

(Book Review by Michael Woodhead, 2007)

Sunday, November 12, 2023



Nick Hemsley
Lulu Press
ISBN: 1-4116-9624-2
Fiction, Social, Psychological

Through various experiences, two people's lives are changed forever.

Clock is indeed, to my mind, a strange book. But, in many ways, the body of the book subtly reflects the title and cover illustration; for, as there are many cogs and wheels in a clock, so, too, are there many continuing segments in the novel, each a separate element, and yet interconnected with the rest.

Although it takes awhile to get used to the style, once the reader gets into the story, it's an interesting and intriguing read.

The novel delves into the thoughts and lives of several characters—good, bad, and eccentric; normal and abnormal—and the constant movement back and forth from past to present tense—which, again, can add somewhat to the confusion—nevertheless continues the clock-like theme.

What I liked: The diversity of characters presented, the variety of truly plausible storylines, and the interweaving of them all.

What I disliked: The format of the book. Internet users will recognize the block-styled paragraph format used on web pages, with a single space between paragraphs. This leads to some confusion at times in Clock because the reader doesn't automatically know whether or not the point of view has changed. In regular book format, two spaces between paragraphs can indicate either a change of place or a change of character viewpoint, and this isn't always immediately noticeable here.

(Book Review by Michael Woodhead, 2007)

Saturday, November 11, 2023




Dave Thompson
ECW Press
adult documentary

This book is an intriguing, well thought out, and excellent history of the stag film, from Victorian times to the late 1970s.

Pornography has been with us for hundreds, perhaps thousands, of years. Acts of sexuality—softcore, hardcore, and the outright perverse—are visible not only on the walls of the ancient Roman Empire, but also in sketches, drawings, and paintings done by various artists from countries all over the world.

It's not surprising, then, that as soon as still cameras and movie cameras became accessible to the general public, they were immediately appropriated for the creation of erotic and pornographic photographs and films.

As the book points out, in the beginning many of the movies were "made to order ", and production was pretty much world wide even by the early 1900s.

From these individual viewings, stag films gradually became fare for "road shows ", the movies being taken from one town to another, thus gradually building up a willing, hungry audience—predominantly male—demanding more and more. 

Thus, the adult motion picture industry began to evolve.

Such movies, however, were not without legal repercussions, and the book goes into the first prohibitions on stag films.

Going on, the author introduces us to various directors, actors, and actresses, and, in particular, describes many of the films that were made during the years.

In the end, with the appearance of the motion picture, Deep Throat, and its "acceptance " by the general public—making it one of the most successful films ever made—stag films, for the most part, gradually disappeared. What was once watched in secret cinemas, back rooms, and peep shows had now been brought out into the open where it became accessible (thanks to the VCR) to everyone, and not just to "dirty old men ".

A selection of photographs has been included in the middle of the book, and as chapter headers. However, created like strips of 35mm film, they're just enough to titillate like the peep shows. 

(Book Review by Michael Woodhead, 2007)

Friday, November 10, 2023

Here Comes the Sun



The Spiritual and Musical Journey of George Harrison

Joshua M Greene
John Wiley & Sons, Inc
Biography, Music, Spirituality

Overall, this is more a look at the spiritual quest of George Harrison rather than the musical.

To be sure, the author relates several anecdotes behind some of the lyrics and music, but most of the book centers on George's consuming, and almost desperate need for God.

I can relate; at the time George was searching, I was going through a similar situation—feeling that I was on a different path than everyone else, but still desiring to be loved and wanted.

For George, his search begins in earnest after he meets Ravi Shankar, a search that soon develops into a lifelong passion for meditation, chanting, and Krishna, and a desire to share with others what he has found.

Even in his last years, a mellower George still clung to his spiritual ideals and was "ready to go" when cancer claimed him.

(Book Review by Michael Woodhead, 2006)

Thursday, November 9, 2023

I Hardly Ever Wash My Hands



J J Keeler
Paragon House
ISBN: 1-55778-892-8
self-help, obsessive-compulsive disorder, biography

For those who've ever watched Monk on television, then you'll already be familiar with OCD—obsessive-compulsive disorder.

However, this biography takes a look at OCD from another perspective—that of the sufferer herself and how she attempts to cope with the problems with which most of us never have to deal.

Those who don't have the disorder oftentimes feel that those with it blow things out of proportion. Even though this might be the case, nevertheless, the problems to those with OCD are very real.

J J Keeler shares her recollections of how she contracted AIDS several times growing up; about the bomb in her teddy bear (which she still has); how it affected her social life and relationships; and how things developed into obsessions about harming others.

I daresay many readers will become frustrated reading the author's account, perhaps even depressed; but that's an indication of how well J J has expressed herself, her emotions, her psychological makeup, and her personality. 

She really lets you know exactly what it's like for her.

Some readers may also see themselves reflected in the book.

Do you sort the clothes in your closet by colour? I do. Do you straighten/arrange the salt and pepper shakers and other table accoutrements in restaurants because they look unorganized? I do.

By contrast, however, the life of this book's author is messy; or, rather, in a constant state of disorder. Many times she feels responsible for the problems of others, even if she's not even directly or indirectly involved with them.

But, all is not as hopeless as it might seem. The author also reaches out to others with OCD to give them guidance and support in their own struggles.

And, she concludes, "See, it isn't just you or just me. It's all of us. In the end, in some way, we're all crazy. Some people just don't know it yet". 

(Book Review by Michael Woodhead, 2004)

Wednesday, November 8, 2023



Rod E. McConnell
Rod E. McConnell
ISBN: 0968819907, 9780968819906

In the Bible, Matthew 19:19 says, "Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself".

It is a simple admonition, but one that is so hard to fulfill, since we cannot really love others until we love ourselves. And we cannot love ourselves until we know ourselves, and understand ourselves, and accept ourselves as God has made us.

Rod E. McConnell's *Explorer!-G/L is one way to know yourself, a self-exploration guide to help you discover what really makes you tick in order to better your relationships, lifestyle, love and communication.

Three years of hard work, interviews, sharing and interacting have gone into the creation of this CD that will no doubt improve the users life, loves and relationships, and the author has noted that some of the material is of an adult nature since parts of it deal with matters of an intimate nature. In addition to the self-exploration material, there are also photographs and music created by the author.

In addition to reading material, there are also various sections for recording one's responses to questions.

There are four basic sections-an introduction, as well as three modules named About You, Your Crises, and Relationships.

About You covers several areas including a comprehensive personal profile along with informative and inquisitive areas on creative, sexual, intimate, religious, aging and communication topics. Mentally, socially, sexually, physically, emotionally-you will get to know everything about yourself, and no doubt uncovers things about yourself that you either didn't know for sure, or forgot about, or deliberately buried in your subconscious. But discovering all this information will certainly help you to discover your inner self.

Your Crises covers areas of your life that have had, will have, and may have an effect on you-such things as addictions, death, emotional problems, sexual orientation, and health issues. Once you have identified these areas, again through myriad questions, you can create a program to help you understand and cope with, alleviate, and even overcome the problems. Be sure, however, that you are mentally and emotionally able to handle the memories and feelings that this section will evoke.

Lastly, Relationships deals with your interactions with other people and how they have affected you-families, friends, acquaintances, and lovers-and, again, a program can be created in order for you to learn how to deal with your relationships in a positive manner.

Understand, however, that this is not a get-better-quick program, and it is not just an answer-the-question-with-a-checkmark review. *Explorer!-G/L is an in-depth study of your character and personality, your emotional, spiritual and psychological makeup and that means you'll have to elaborate on some of the questions with more than just a sentence or two.

Also included on the CD is a guide to creating and maintaining good communication skills, an area in which so many people these days seem to be lacking, and the cause of many personal and social relationship problems.

For personal self-exploration, couple or group discussions, straight, gay or lesbian relationships, or even social gatherings, *Explorer!-G/L is a much-needed and effective tool to explore and evaluate your life. 

(Book Review by Michael Woodhead, 2003)